Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Land of Blue Skies, Shopping, and the Morbidly Obese

Did I say I would post weekly? I meant weakly. Anyway, I recently returned from a 2 week stay in the States. I'd almost forgotten how to breathe air. I was so depressed when I landed back in Beijing and the sky was white with smog. I've been back almost a week now and I still haven't seen the sky. Even looking straight up. Not a trace of blue anywhere.

Returning to the homeland, I took every opportunity I found to shop at Target. I had to buy a new suitcase to bring home all the loot. I ate at all the food chains that they don't have in Beijing: Chili's, Applebees, Wendys, Taco Bell and Burger King. (I don't particularly care for Taco Bell, but one of my coworkers loves I ate there to rub it in) I saw movies in the theater. Woo-hooo!! How they are meant to be seen!


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