Tennessee Dave and the Sidewalks of Doom
Another not-so-endearing characteristic of KL we will NOT miss are the sidewalks of doom. First off, the curbs are a foot off the ground to try to dissuade the scooters from riding on them. It is not always successful, but it is always inaccessible to wheelchairs and strollers. Then there are the endless open (or poorly covered) drainage pits. Sometimes pavement over drainage pipes also collapse.

Extra Feature Below - That's a 5-6 foot drop-off to the left and those metal screws jut out of the ground every couple of feet.

Video Clip of Me Walking Down Sidewalk to Work

Extra Feature Below - That's a 5-6 foot drop-off to the left and those metal screws jut out of the ground every couple of feet.

Video Clip of Me Walking Down Sidewalk to Work
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