Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
AMTAM Math or Why Math is Important
So we've had a couple of AMTAMs recently involving some pretty basic arithmetic (adding single digit numbers and use of decimal points).
AMTAM Math 1
The first was when Avery wanted to use a gift certificate one of his friends gave him this summer to the Stadium sporting goods store. It was purchased June 6 and had to be used within 6 months. So the last weekend in November, we went to KLCC and he planned to use it. First they told him he had to have an adult present to use it. Fair enough. After gathering all his stuff and handing it to the employee behind the counter, the madness begins. Clearly identified by his "trainee" badge, the clerk was giving the coupon the full once over, reading all the fine print skeptically. He moved his lips as he counted on his fingers and then asked his boss (who was inexplicably squatting on the floor behind the counter for some reason)a question. The boss clearly wanted no part in the higher computation and told the employee to follow the fine print. After counting on his fingers, the employee proudly proclaims, "Can!"
However, as he is ringing up the items, the clouds of doubt are clearly forming across his face. He pauses and hand counts again, this time with negative results. He consults another colleague, who proceeds to hand count unfavorably. In unison they proclaim "Cannot!" and the clerk informs me that it expired in November. I double check the date, which reads "6/6/2008." So they didn't even have to convert "June" into the number "6" to add the 6 months. I explain to them that 6 plus 6 = 12 and that 12 is December. I couldn't stop myself from asking them if they all failed math to the amusement of our fellow shoppers. Finally another customer asked them how they were counting. "June -1 , July -2 ...."
"Cannot," said the woman who went on to explain that July was 1 month later. She was still also counting on her hands though. But it's still just 6 + 6. It's not like they had to carry over to the next year or anything else particularly difficult. The whole "plus 6" concept was lost on them. These fingers were made for counting...
AMTAM Math 2
Amy took Luke to see an allergist for some skin tests. While waiting in line, she calls me to inform me of the 3100+ RM bill ( about 1000 USD). What?! That can't be right. It wouldn't cost that much in the US and healthcare is way overpriced in the US. There's no way they charge more in Malaysia. When she gets to the counter, the clerks are fulling expecting to collect the large sum. Amy insists they double-check. Surprise! 310+ RM is the actual charge. I would not like to see what the insurance would have said to that claim.
AMTAM Math 1
The first was when Avery wanted to use a gift certificate one of his friends gave him this summer to the Stadium sporting goods store. It was purchased June 6 and had to be used within 6 months. So the last weekend in November, we went to KLCC and he planned to use it. First they told him he had to have an adult present to use it. Fair enough. After gathering all his stuff and handing it to the employee behind the counter, the madness begins. Clearly identified by his "trainee" badge, the clerk was giving the coupon the full once over, reading all the fine print skeptically. He moved his lips as he counted on his fingers and then asked his boss (who was inexplicably squatting on the floor behind the counter for some reason)a question. The boss clearly wanted no part in the higher computation and told the employee to follow the fine print. After counting on his fingers, the employee proudly proclaims, "Can!"
However, as he is ringing up the items, the clouds of doubt are clearly forming across his face. He pauses and hand counts again, this time with negative results. He consults another colleague, who proceeds to hand count unfavorably. In unison they proclaim "Cannot!" and the clerk informs me that it expired in November. I double check the date, which reads "6/6/2008." So they didn't even have to convert "June" into the number "6" to add the 6 months. I explain to them that 6 plus 6 = 12 and that 12 is December. I couldn't stop myself from asking them if they all failed math to the amusement of our fellow shoppers. Finally another customer asked them how they were counting. "June -1 , July -2 ...."
"Cannot," said the woman who went on to explain that July was 1 month later. She was still also counting on her hands though. But it's still just 6 + 6. It's not like they had to carry over to the next year or anything else particularly difficult. The whole "plus 6" concept was lost on them. These fingers were made for counting...
AMTAM Math 2
Amy took Luke to see an allergist for some skin tests. While waiting in line, she calls me to inform me of the 3100+ RM bill ( about 1000 USD). What?! That can't be right. It wouldn't cost that much in the US and healthcare is way overpriced in the US. There's no way they charge more in Malaysia. When she gets to the counter, the clerks are fulling expecting to collect the large sum. Amy insists they double-check. Surprise! 310+ RM is the actual charge. I would not like to see what the insurance would have said to that claim.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The Christmas Portraits That Weren't
Every year we take a bunch of photos of the kids and we use the least chaotic one as our Christmas card photo. I can't bring myself to delete the unused ones, but they aren't fit for print. So why not share them on the web? We wanted to take this year's in front of the Petronas Twin Towers, but the sun was too formidable an adversary. It either blinded our kids to the point of distraction or relegated them to the too dark shadows.