Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blast From the Past

While in DC this summer, The fam got together with my old Granville roommate, RJ and his wife, Zerlinde. It's like Facebook, only in real life.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Last Post on KL

Going through the photos, I came upon the last set I wanted to post about KL. For father's day, I wanted to do the canopy walk at the FRIM (Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia). I made everyone else go to. Luke had some highly amusing comments from the day.

1. As we walked up the hill, through the jungle to actual canopy walk, it was hot and wet. Luke slipped at one point (he was wearing crocs because he couldn't find his tennis shoes) This prompted him to say, "And that's why I hate the rainforest!"

2. After finally making it to the walk, waiting in line, walking the walk, and coming down, we had a 30 minute walk out of the jungle. Luke then said, "I'm never coming to the jungle for Father's Day again."

Monday, September 14, 2009


There are a lot of "No" signs. Here are a couple of good ones.

No shorts in the mosque at the Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM). And no smoochy in the taxi.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Executor Revisted

We have left Malaysia now, but I still have a few more photos to share. They really don't like trespassers in KL. The owner is using a rifle now, so he can still shoot the offender from farther away as he tries to run.