Monday, July 24, 2006

Luke Turns 3

Thomas the Tank Engine's biggest fan turns three. Avery examines on of his presents as Luke contemplates his next present.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Land of Blue Skies, Shopping, and the Morbidly Obese

Did I say I would post weekly? I meant weakly. Anyway, I recently returned from a 2 week stay in the States. I'd almost forgotten how to breathe air. I was so depressed when I landed back in Beijing and the sky was white with smog. I've been back almost a week now and I still haven't seen the sky. Even looking straight up. Not a trace of blue anywhere.

Returning to the homeland, I took every opportunity I found to shop at Target. I had to buy a new suitcase to bring home all the loot. I ate at all the food chains that they don't have in Beijing: Chili's, Applebees, Wendys, Taco Bell and Burger King. (I don't particularly care for Taco Bell, but one of my coworkers loves I ate there to rub it in) I saw movies in the theater. Woo-hooo!! How they are meant to be seen!